HOWDY THERE !!!:: I'm will or bonnie !!
:: I use he/they/she pronouns
:: I'm a minor, autistic, have ADHD, BPD and a system host
:: I'm an aroace nonbinary lesbian !!
:: this is my OMORI art account, for (FNAF) main, see REVERIEnCOBYF:: please use tone indicators for me, ESPECIALLY if you're joking or being sarcastic X(
:: don't be afraid to let me know if I'm making you uncomfortable, I promise it's never my intention!
:: this isn't my main!! I will post art from time to time and stuff but don't expect consistency
DNI:: basic criteria ( LGBTphobic, racist, proshippers/supporters, etc )
:: NSFW / enage with it
+ I will block whoever I must to keep my sanity, it's nothing personal


For sourcemates / doubles

:: Heya! I don't mind if you guys want to interact, just know that I'm not a big fan of indulging my IRLs and won't talk about things like source memories without being prompted to.:: I'm also a very shy and anxious person... so it might take a bit for me to completely open up ;__;:: Unless I state otherwise, I don't really mind most questions about source, except those regarding the events after Mari's death. Not only is it triggering in general, but I would assume you'd know why it's a sore topic. Mentioning Mari or her death is okay though /gen

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